
Collaborative installation/performance with Cassia Streb, for Automata, Los Angeles, January 22, 2023.

Eight-channel sound installation, for wooden crates prepared with transducers and filled with debris: shattered bits of flowerpot, lava rocks, nails, old keys, pebbles, and bottle caps.

These cycle through field recordings building an apocryphal memory palace:

Lithobolia, a hail of stones and nails; Los Angeles, December 2022

Crickets, tractor-trailer; Route 79 and Brooktondale Road, Slaterville NY, July 2014

Tides, caves; Lake Michigan, Jacksonport WI, December 2018

Metal sheet, snowfall; Ithaca NY, December 2007

High-tension wires, air traffic, crows; Whitney Canyon, Newhall CA, August 2020

Firecrackers, Gillie Mor/Whistle O’er the Lave Out; Lunar New Year, Chung King Court, Los Angeles, January 2023

Live performance within this soundscape, for stiff brush, viola, superball, rough stick, files, ceramic rattles, broken flowerpots, bottle caps, small bells, 10d nails, old keys, and river stones.

Click any image for enlarged slideshow.

Released by Sawyer Editions as part of their Sawyer Spaces field- and location-recording imprint, 2023.